AIDS-infected microblogging sun privacy: only after the illness learned that care is more important

AIDS-infected microblogging sun privacy: only after the illness learned that care is more important

AIDS-infected microblogging sun privacy: I learned after the illness care more important diesel generator | diesel generator price / 2012-06-21

He called Shuguang (a pseudonym), an HIV-infected person. On the 18th, he admitted publicly on Sina Weibo that he was a gay man and disclosed his identity as an HIV-infected person. He hopes to use this approach to arouse more public understanding and concern for HIV-infected groups.
On the 19th, the reporter and Shuguang conducted face-to-face exchanges. He said that revealing privacy is not terrible, and the key is to hope to bring substantial improvements to the social environment in which the infected person lives.
Infection AIDS>>>
"I was kneeling on the ground asking how long I could live."
Shuguang was 32 years old this year. He was dressed up in fashion and handsome, talking and talking with reporters and talking and laughing. It was very easy.
In 2000, after graduating from secondary school in Shuguang, he worked as a field resource worker at a construction site in Mianyang. In 2002, he went to Shenzhen to work as a salesperson, salesman, waiter, etc. In 2004, he began to contact the Internet. Because of sexual orientation, he became a lover with a male in Shenzhen and broke up after two years.
Later, Dawning contacted more than gay men. In 2008, he had a high fever for half a month and he felt that he might have contracted AIDS. On June 1, 2009, Shuguang was diagnosed with HIV infection in Shenzhen Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment Center. "I was sliding down from the stool and kneeling on the ground and asking the doctor how long I could live." Dawn said that the doctor comforted him for more than 20 minutes before letting his emotions stabilize.
That evening, Twilight told his parents and a good friend about the case of AIDS. “It was only because of their support that I finally calmed down.” Dawning said that his good friend was still eating and living with him and he comforted and enlightened him from time to time.
A week later, Dawning found the “A+A Mutual Aid Group” in Shenzhen and volunteered to meet with the volunteers. With the help of volunteers, he participated in various activities of the organization and gradually came out of the shadows. In October 2009, Shuguang returned to Shenzhen from Mianyang.
“I only know how important the warmth is after I become ill”
After returning to Mianyang, she was reported to the CDC of Youxian District, and later entered Mianyang's “Concerned Group of HIV-infected People” and became a volunteer.
After the dawn of his return to Mianyang, he relied on the savings he had previously saved from working and volunteering for free activities. "Psychological counseling for them, and sometimes accompanied them to check, treatment." Shuguang said that many members are still very dependent on him.
During the volunteering, two things touched the dawn very much. In September last year, he took a person with a foreign infection to a hospital for anorectal surgery. After blood tests, the doctor said that the hospital could not do it. "He had to go back to the township hospital for an operation and he did not have blood tests before surgery."
Another thing is that in February this year he brought an infected person to do hemorrhoid surgery. When he came to the hospital for out-patient consultation, the doctor said that he could have an operation, but when he told the doctor about the true situation of the infected person, the doctor immediately changed his mind and said that there was no way to do it.
Dawn said that his condition was not hidden in front of his parents, relatives, and friends. Parents also supported him as a volunteer. “It is only after the illness that it is important to know how warm and caring is."
Sun privacy>>>
"A test for the public"
“A new round of life begins. As a volunteer of a prominent HIV-infected person, come on!” On December 12, 2011, Shuguang released the first Weibo on and began the process of drying up the heart. “I hope there is Caring people pay attention to the survival of HIV-infected people."
“Mianyang and the surrounding infected people can call if anything, I can accompany the inspection, treatment, food and shelter.” On February 4 this year, Shuguang released this microblog as a volunteer. He said that he hopes to use his own modest strength to contribute a little bit to the community.
Not only the heart of the road, the reporter also saw on his microblogging. On June 16th, Shuguang shared six stills of “Music in the play” in microblogs.
"Isn't afraid that my privacy has been exposed?" For this reporter's question, Shuguang said that he also wanted to be a test, "a test for the public."
Dawn said that after he told other patients about the interviews with the media, most people advised him to think twice. "Actually, what I think is that someone will always come forward. If more people can understand and understand us, I think there will not be so many problems."
Shuguang said that the public needs a process to accept and understand HIV-infected persons, but if they do not actively vocalize and fight, the process will be very long. Popularization of knowledge is one of them. This will allow the public to eliminate the fear of being infected. Second, the fact of infection has nothing to do with morality and morality. Everyone needs care. "I believe that affection, friendship and love are always higher than the disease." He said that he hopes that the media’s attention can bring about a substantial change in the environmental improvement of infected people. He also hopes that the government and the whole society will give more support and understanding.
“I also hope that the government or public welfare fund can sponsor us to set up a team office to ensure better services for those infected,” said Dawning.
Extended reading
The reporter learned from the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention that at present, the city has established 28 VCTs for AIDS. The County CDC, County People's Hospital and Maternal and Child Health Hospital have established VCT points to carry out illicit sex and drug users. AIDS sentinel surveillance for five groups of men seeking out men, men who have sex with men, and maternal and sexually transmitted diseases clinics; establishment of AIDS screening laboratories and medical institutions for checkpoints, routine AIDS targeting specific patients such as surgical patients, blood transfusion patients, etc. Virus antibody testing.
At present, the city has established 32 AIDS screening laboratories, one confirmed laboratory, and 93 rapid test points. HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment for men who have sex with men has expanded from Mianyang City to counties.
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