Pitot tube use instructions

Warranty instructions

Our company is responsible for the warranty period of 12 months for the L-type pitot tube. The warranty period starts from the date the user gets the instrument. When the user is in use, he should follow the instructions for use. Due to improper use of the use.......

Jiangsu Power Data Network and Its Application

1 Network Composition The Jiangsu Power Data Network is a component of the National Power Data Network (SPDnet) [1]; referred to as SPDnet-IIIJS. It is the "highway" of Jiangsu's power system data, voice and video communications integrated services.

Jiangsu power data net.......

The lighting industry may welcome shuffle in advance

As of August 7, a total of 35 companies in the energy-saving lighting concept section released the first half of the performance forecast, 31 companies pre-history. The three companies that took the lead in releasing the 2014 mid-year report, Sanan Optoelectronics, Lehman Optoelectronics, Anker.......